Remedy for Wilted Souls

Filed in Visionary Walk With God by on April 25, 2012

wilted daisy

By Contributing Writer, Brandy Ferguson

It seems that everywhere I turn lately, I encounter mothers who have just had new babies, and they all seem to have the same thing in common:  they’re exhausted and overwhelmed.

Lack of sleep, unintentional neglect of themselves, and isolation work together to accomplish one tired mother.  And it doesn’t take long before a mother notices herself wilting.  After so long of selflessly giving to her precious baby and other family members, a mother may gradually, or even suddenly notice a dramatic change in her overall well-being.  Quite often, it’s even visible if she takes long enough to look in the mirror.

Is that really me!?!” she wonders. Further saddened by the evidence of her suspicions, the message becomes clear.  She is wilting…and fast!

Just as a plant needs air, water, soil, and sunlight to grow and thrive, a mother needs nourishment from the Lord.  If this picture reminds you of yourself, take a look and see if you’re missing a key element to not just surviving, but thriving.


Do you remember to pray some time every day?  Do you allow God to breathe life into you each day by spending time with Him in prayer and  meditating on Him?  Remember that any time of day is acceptable to Him, even those middle-of-the-night feedings when you whisper to Him what’s on your heart.


Are you daily refreshed and nourished by the power of the Holy Spirit?  The Bible says that we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds.


Are you rooted and grounded in the Word of God daily?  Even if you can’t sit and read the Word for an hour at a time, maybe you can listen to it in the car when you’re driving your children to and from classes and practices.  It’s easy to download Bible apps on your phone and read a chapter or two here and there as you wait for kids to finish up activities.  Maybe this won’t be one of your most studious seasons of life, but surely God knows your heart, and indeed there will be a time when you can dive into His Word more deeply.


Do you surround yourself with uplifting and encouraging people, and even music?  For sure, there are hard days in our Christian walk, days in which we need the support of fellow-believers around us.  We need the exposure to not only prayer and God’s Word daily, but we need the warmth and compassion that comes from the encouragement of others.

Have you found yourself in need of refreshment lately?  In need of sunlight?  Fresh water?  Look no further than your Heavenly Father, who desires to strengthen and nourish you.

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About the Contributor

Brandy is a wife of 15 years and a homeschooling mom of seven boys. She spends most of her time teaching, cooking and managing a busy, happy home. She also enjoys writing and encouraging mothers at her blog where she also shares household tips, homeschooling resources and recipes at View all posts by Brandy →

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