Winner of Queen of the Home Book
Congratulations Marcy! (mdep***** I will put you in touch with Jennifer via e-mail so you can get that copy shipped out to you. Thank you to all who participated in that giveaway!
Three Decades of Fertility Update
Remember back when I announced that we were putting together a book where ten women would share their fertility journey into their 40s? I’ve had so many inquiries about this book, I thought I’d give you a brief update.
As you can see from the potential book cover, I changed the name to better reflect what the book is about. This week we are wrapping up the (intense!) editing phase and moving into the formatting phase for the month of April. We’ll also be putting together a book trailer that you can share on Facebook and blogs.
Three Decades of Fertility will not only include the recording of ten different journeys of faith, but there will also be two bonus chapters: one on nutrition for optimal fertility written by Donielle Baker of Naturally Knocked Up, and one on exercise and building strength written by my chiropractor, Dr. Regina Brott.
In addition, each writer answered 11 of the most important questions/concerns that you ladies submitted in that survey last fall.
I’m amazed at how smoothly this whole project has gone so far. We did lose one contributor just as the writing deadline was around the corner, but God brought another contributor along—one that I had been praying would join us in the first place—and it all came together at the last minute.
It’s been a pleasure, honor, and blessing to work with all 11 women along with two editors who did some fabulous clean up and made the reading easy on the eyes and mind. I anticipate sharing this project with all of you June 1st, our scheduled launch date. We will be focusing on BABIES the entire month of June here at Visionary Womanhood, and this book will be like a big cherry on a beautiful (and fun!) topic.
Contributors to this book include:
Jeannette Paulson
Terry Covey
Molly Evert
Stacy McDonald
Carmon Friedrich
Sue Liesmaki
Ruth Einfeld
Yvonne Harink
Heather Olsson
Natalie Klejwa
I know you will be encouraged by these testimonies of God’s faithfulness in a wide variety of life experiences regarding fertility!
Oh wow. WHAT a line-up. You let me know of anything I can do to help. I just know God is going to use this book to minister to many, many women. Love you…
Thank you! Right now – just prayer that all the pieces would come together. I worry I’ll forget something. You know, like the table of contents or something else important.
I’m so excited about the new book! I’m in the early years of my fertility, I know it will be so helpful. I did want to point out, though, that Jamie Martin over at the Steady Mom blog has a book called Mindset for Moms with the same cover photo. Since she’s also a homeschooling mama blogger, I mistook the book for hers when I first opened the email this morning, and I’m sure some of your readers overlap with hers.
Oh dear…it might be back to the drawing board with that book cover then.
Yay what a wonderful time a year… I am due to give birth near the end of June!
Do any of the contributing writers have a husband who is 12 years or more older than they are? Just curious
since that is my situation and thinking about having a baby at 45 with a 60 year old husband is a bit terrifying! Nevertheless, my husband and I have decided to let the Lord lead and give us as many children as He wills, but I must admit that reading of other women who have walked a similar path would be very encouraging to me.
I’m not sure of the ages of the husbands. But the authors do address the “age” issue – and the principles and encouragement they cover would apply to the ages of both parents. If you wonder whether or not the Creator has a problem with an older man having a baby, well then, that is something to consider carefully (there are lots of cases in the Bible where He gave men a LOT older than 60 – babies, some of whom became prophets and kings). But if it is just other Wemmicks and their opinions of an older man having a baby, then it is a non-issue.
I am turning 42 this year and I have been reading a lot on fertility (not that I have a problem in that area).
Your blog has been so helpful to me. About a year ago I was having a really hard time with PMS and I took your advice and began taking Vitex. I has really eased my emotional roller coaster. I also read the book you recommended that helped you after you had miscarriages. I began taking fish oil and other supplements and lost some weight. All that was so helpful: my energy is better, my hair, nails, skin look better… I feel better. I know I am healthier. I am still breastfeeding.
My baby is 3 y.o. and while I miss the baby phase, my DH doesn’t really want to have any more babies. We have 4 children between 10 and 3 y.o. But I can’t say I am done. Is a woman ever done?
I am praying and waiting on the Lord. Waiting for Him to change hearts. In the meantime, I read everything on having children after 40 years old.
Can’t wait to read this book in June.
I’m so pleased to hear that the Vitex and that book were helpful to you! It’s interesting; I put my 12 yo daughter on Vitex after she started getting her cycle, and while she was on it, her cycles were like clock work which surprised me because I know the first few years of having your cycle can OFTEN be unpredictable. The last few months (she’s 13 now) she has neglected to take her vitamins, including the Vitex, and has complained about sporadic, unpredictable cycles. I keep telling her, “Take the Vitex!” She has to learn for herself, I guess, but it really does help balance those hormones!
And I don’t want to be done either. I have this gut feeling I am (will be turning 47 this year), but there is still a sliver of hope.
I know you will love reading this book. I’ve read it over and over (due to the editing phase!) and I am blessed every time.