Not of This World: True Beauty DVD Review and Giveaway
Today we are taking a peek at the third and last installment of the True Beauty video series by Lisa Chan and published by David C. Cook.
The first video, Be Still, dealt with our basic need to spend time with Jesus in order to thrive. The second video, Deny Yourself, presented the case that true fulfillment and depth of life is found only when we deny ourselves and follow Christ in obedience.
So we start by spending time with our Creator, getting to know Him and letting Him fill us with Himself. Then we move forward into life here on earth, reaching out to those around us, loving them with the power that Christ gives us.
This third video picks up the progression of Truth by reminding us that this life is not all there is. One day we will be with our Creator, face to face. One day we will be home. That will be the end of our earth story and the beginning of our eternal story.
Once again, the artistic photography and music are the canvas upon which these truths are painted. When I viewed the video, I had just said good bye to most of my family for a week. After they left, the house was quiet and empty, and I was pretty down in the dumps. It was a cloudy day, I was getting sick, and my 1 and 3 yo boys were with me – also both getting sick.
So I sat down and watched this, knowing that if it was as rich as the first two, God would minister to me through it. He did. I needed that reminder that this life isn’t supposed to satisfy. And regardless of circumstances, I had everything I needed in Jesus. I loved the imagery of the hot air balloon and how it tied into the message. I’m a literature lover, so when I see so many beautiful things coming together to communicate multidimensional truths, I’m in raptures.
These are effective, visual discipleship tools for a one on one relationship – maybe with your daughter or a younger woman you are mentoring. You could also use them in a small group or Sunday School class. They are only about 20 minutes each, but they pack so much beauty and food for thought into each full, fat minute. When you are done watching the video, there are so many directions you could go with a discussion.
Go HERE to watch the trailer (it’s lovely) and download a FREE reflection guide. You can also buy the hard copy for $9.99, the download copy for $4.99, OR you can just watch it once for only a buck.
Would you like to WIN a hard copy? The team over there is offering one copy to a reader here at Visionary Womanhood. In order to accommodate those who aren’t on Facebook, we’re going to just do comments for this giveaway. So here are some different ways you can enter (and you can do any/all of these! Each comment counts as an entry!)
1. Watch the trailer and leave a comment about it.
2. Share the giveaway on Facebook using the share buttons at the bottom of the page and leave a comment.
3. Tweet the giveaway and leave a comment.
Thank you for participating!
UPDATE: Congrats to Tehila! You won the random drawing!
Tags: dvd review, giveaway, walk with God
The DVD must be so great, because even the trailer served as a great encouragement and challenge to me to reassess everything I do and invest my time into. Is it for this world, or is to unto God and eternity? Wow! Can’t wait to watch the entire message…
Thanks for the opportunity!
Tehila recently posted…Get Your House Clean & Time in Order (eBook & Tools Bundle)!
Wow! It looks like it would be really good to watch. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Tweeted about this great review and Giveaway

Tehila recently posted…Get Your House Clean & Time in Order (eBook & Tools Bundle)!
What a great reminder for women who might be struggling in their present circumstances, thinking this is all there is! I’d love for my mom to see this!
Enjoyed the clip very much, would be a great tool to use with our younger women’s group at church
The lovely trailer makes me look forward to watching the video. A good reminder to always “set [our] minds on things that are above” (Colossians 3:2).
The video looks like a wonderful encouragement !!
Very encouraging trailer. In just those few minutes, it reminded me that this isn’t my home. Can’t wait to see the rest of it….
My daughters and I would love to win this!