New Book for Children: God’s Names

We are in the middle of a wonderful new book by Sally Michael called God’s Names.  Did you know that there are over 700 names for God in the Bible?  Sally highlights 25 of them in this story/application rich book for children…perfect for reading to little ones before they go to bed at night to get them meditating on God in all His Greatness.  She expertly weaves review of past names in future chapters so that the children hear over and over the Hebrew name and what it means.  For example, she writes:

If you math homework is really hard, run to El Shaddai–”God, You are El Shaddai, God Almighty.  Nothing is too hard for You.  You know all about math.  Help me with my math problems. Help me work hard and have a good attitude.”

When strange noises at night scare you, remember that Jehovah-Shammah is with you–”Dear God, You are Jehovah Shammah, the Lord Is There.  You are always with your people.  You are with me right now.  Take away my fear and help me to trust You.”

Sometimes change is hard.  Families have new babies, friends move away, or Dad may need to travel, or we might lose a favorite teacher.  But Yahweh never changes.  Run to God.  He is a Strong Tower–”Yahweh, everything changes.  But not You.  You are always the same.  You are always strong, always loving, and always good.  You are always a Strong Tower.  Make me strong, too.”

When you can’t figure something out, run to Elohim, Strong Creator.  He made everything!  He never runs out of ideas.  When you aren’t sure about something, ask Jehovah-El Emeth, the Lord God of Truth, to help you know what is right.  Whatever your problem, you can run to God, your Strong Tower.

I highly recommend having this in your children’s library and using it as a tool to disciple your little ones in the Names of God.  It has been a real blessing for our family!

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About Wemmick Girl

Natalie Klejwa is a child of the King, wife of 20 years to Joe, and mother to 9 miracles ages 0-18. She is the creator of Apple Valley Natural Soap, founder and administrator of the Visionary Womanhood blog, author of Visionary Womanhood Gatherings: A Family Strengthening Mentorship Tool for Women and Maidens, and a contributing author of The Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking and You Can Do It Too: 25 Homeschool Families Share Their Stories.

You can hear her being interviewed on Kevin Swanson's Generations with Vision radio program.

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