The Loud Whispers of a New Journey
By Contributing Writer, Chelsey Hall
Lately, the Lord…He’s been speaking to me LOUD. Sometimes He speaks in whispers, in a quite voice, with a gentle nudging. Lately, though, His voice…it’s gotten a little louder. Sometimes even, such an attention-grabber-in-your-face voice that you can’t ignore it any more than Saul could have ignored the glaring, blinding light that brought him to his knees and changed his very core… forever.
The two main words or phrases that we’ve been hearing repeatedly over the last couple of months?
Let go.
Maybe even get wet a little… or a lot.
And then there was this.
God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through. – Francis Chan
This is where we are living right now. This is where we are letting go and trusting. This is where we are hearing His voice… loud.
Our family is embarking on a new journey…. as missionaries.
Now, I’m the first to tell you, that I am already a missionary. As a mom of six children (with one on the way), I have a built in mission field in my own home. And this, will always be my first and primary responsibility.
But the Lord has asked us to take another step… straight on to the mission field. Scared, excited, nervous… all at the same time… this is how I feel.
Would you like to read our journey from the beginning? I’ve written a four-part series here: Our Journey to the Mission Field.
How has the Lord been speaking to you lately?
Tags: missions, relationship with God
I don’t want to burst your bubble, but I do not believe that God speaks to anyone nowadays apart from His written word, the bible. The canon has been closed long time ago, we walk by faith and not by sight or any other senses. The bible is sufficient for us to live our christian lives. What you are into is mysticism and charismatic heresy. Pls check out an independent reformed church (Albert Mohler, Ligonier Ministries, Mike Abendroth etc.) that actually believes in creeds.
Francis Chan is getting into catholic mysticism and monasticism and I believe this is part of the great deception the book of revelation speaks about. Don’t fall for that. Go back to the roots of the reformation (Martin Luther, John Calvin). Because as soon as you leave the written word you are walking on thin ice. It could be demons speaking to you or your own imagination. We are in the end times now, we need to cling to the word. You can’t seperate the Holy Spirit from the word, He has inspired it. You don’t need extra-biblical revelation.
Rebecca, you are absolutely right!! I appreciate your comment. However, I do believe Chelsey was referring to hearing from the Lord, not through a mystical, audible voice in her head, but through His Word and time in prayer over a serious, life-changing decision. Why did I make that assumption? Because everything she wrote is found in Scripture. The Bible doesn’t address each of us by name or our individual life circumstances specifically. Nevertheless, our steps are directed by God as we saturate ourselves in His Word and in prayer. As He directs us, many of us would say, “God spoke to me regarding this…” Perhaps if Chelsey had shared some of those specific verses God has used to say to her, in her seeking, “Trust” and “Let go” (there are many…!!) it would have been clearer as to what she was referring to when she wrote of hearing from the Lord. (I think she was writing in more of an artful, poetic style in which certain assumptions must be made.)
In our concern to avoid mysticism, we need to be careful not to swing the pendulum in the opposite direction and say that God is not personal in our lives and doesn’t speak into our specific situations. The Word teaches us that He is a VERY personal God…and actively involved in revealing Himself, personally, to those who are seeking Him. Now, maybe you are right, and Chelsey IS saying that she hears God say extra things to her, personally and audibly, that are not found in Scripture. I didn’t get that from her post. Chelsey can take it from here and clear up any confusion if she wishes. : )
Thank you for your comments. And yes, Natalie is 100% correct in her assumption that I am not suggestion that God is speaking in a mystical, audible voice in my head – but rather straight from Scripture and time of prayer where the Holy Spirit is moving in my heart. I’ve not added anything in my writing that is “extra-biblical” or apart from the Word of God.
I am in NO way wrapped up in any sort of mysticism and charismatic heresy. I do go to a reformed Church and love, read and agree with the teachings of the men and ministries you mentioned; Albert Mohler, Ligonier Ministries, Mike Abendroth etc.
The Word of God is “living and breathing” and this is what HE uses to speak to our hearts along with HIS Holy Spirit that HE has given us.
I believe everything I wrote in my words above aligns with the Scripture. In fact, that is how you know if someone is speaking heresy or not – if their words to not follow Scripture.
God absolutely can use other people to inspire us and aid in teaching HIS word – like the folks you mentioned, myself, Natalie, you. HE uses us and as long as we are not adding or taking away from the written Word, then we are not in danger of heresy.
(on a side note I don’t believe for a moment that Francis Chan is wrapped up in any of that stuff either and everything that I have read from his or listened to (so far) lines up with Scripture.
Natalie was right in that I could have used specific Scripture to define what I was referring to about Trust and Letting go. I just chose not to in this post, because it wasn’t necessarily the point I was trying to get across. Maybe in hindsight I should have – but I don’t know.
When God “speaks” to me – he might use someone else. BUT, it is because that someone else has spoken words of TRUTH that are from God’s word. Think about it…. do you every read anything by Albert Mohler, Ligonier Ministries, or even one of the writers here that challenge or inspire you? My guess is yes. And it is because those authors are In the word on an every day basis, so what they are speaking is directly taken and inspired from Scripture. This was all I was trying to do here.
I hope that cleared up any confusion, but if not I’d be happy to address anything else that was confusing or less than clear.
Believe me, I am always willing to be held accountable in what I write. And I pray that what I write always lines up with Scripture.
Chelsey, I applaud you for your obedience to the direction and voice of the Lord. I know He still speaks today. He speaks through the Bible, His amazing living Word, He speaks through others (the Bible talks about wise counsel and teaching), and He speaks through His presence and by His Holy Spirit, in beautiful and even powerful ways.
One of my favorite verses is Hebrews 13:8. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Our family has been on a life-long journey of trusting God and living by faith in full-time international missionary service for over 25 years, and it has been a constant journey of following the very real direction and voice and leading of the Lord.
Blessings to you as you follow His leading. What an adventure!!!
Thank you Ann for your sweet and kind words and wonderful encouragement! It is certainly a life-long journey of following and listening to the Lord!
Precious Visionary sisters (including my dear friend Natalie who I love so much),
I believe it is important to be cautious in how we use terms such as “heresy” when referring to our brothers and sisters in the Lord (and a very large percentage of them). Did you know that all over the world today, there are over half-a-billion (604 million) international Evangelical Christian believers who would identify themselves as ones who also fervently believe in the living power of God’s precious Holy Spirit (including me!!!).
I would encourage you to look at one of the largest praise reports from OPERATION WORLD (the most widely accepted international Christian prayer guide for praying for the world). Click on the link and take a look at some of the most wonderful global praise reports over this past generation. The largest growth of Evangelical (Bible-believing) Christians worldwide, especially in hard, heavily persecuted and previously unreached areas in the world (such as China and India and Sub-Sahara Africa and throughout South America), has been largely through Charismatic and Pentecostal denominations and churches.
Together, sisters, we are all a part of the body of Christ. The Bible, God’s Holy Word, is our foundation for EVERYTHING — for truth, for direction, and for how to live on a day-by-day basis. As Natalie says, God is a VERY personal God. He is actively involved in revealing Himself, personally, to those who are seeking Him. God’s word, the Bible, is so different than any other book. As we read the Bible, God’s words come “alive” in our heart. Jesus Christ is alive today . . . and He is moving all over the world (even outside of our “circles”) bringing His grace and salvation and hope. It’s good to know what we believe and to have strong convictions; however, it’s also important to realize that God is also moving outside of our particular groups and denominations and exactly-like-minded-people and families who interpret God’s word exactly like we do.
As we all know, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through Me.” He is the ONLY WAY. We shouldn’t water-down the truth or embrace any sort of multi-culturalism ecumentical all-religions-lead-to-God philosophy. I’m just saying that you and I have brothers and sisters in the Lord — who also believe in Jesus Christ as their One and Only Savior and Lord and who have been redeemed by His precious blood on the Cross, through faith in Him, by His grace.
Ann, thank you so much for communicating these VERY important truths. In America, we do get caught up with ourselves, our own church, our own culture, and our own time in history. We think everything revolves around US. We need constant reminding of the fact that from God’s vantage point, the world and all of history marches on toward HIM. And He HAS (in the past) and DOES (right now) use different denominations to do His work in spite of doctrinal error in varying degrees over the course of time. (Every church has error in it…because churches are run by humans.) This doesn’t mean we don’t try to “correct the steering wheel” on a regular basis, but we do need to be sweetly patient with one another as we work to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Wonderful reminders Ann! Especially love this statement… “it’s also important to realize that God is also moving outside of our particular groups and denominations and exactly-like-minded-people and families who interpret God’s word exactly like we do. ”
The more we have become “missions minded” the more I am reminded of this!
God bless you Chelsey! What a wonderful and powerful way God has spoken to you. Thank you for sharing this. It spoke to me because I too feel God leading me down a new path with a new journey in mind. Isn’t it amazing how He can use people to encourage and build up others?
Thanks again.
Thank you Gretchen! I pray my own experiences and thoughts will always continue to point those who read my words to Jesus! I will pray that the Lord will show you clearly HIS direction on your new journey as well!
How exciting Gretchen, to hear how God is directing you and your family!!!
Thank you Chelsey!
And yes Ann, it is always exciting to know that God is guiding me in a new direction!
Hello all you beautiful-Godly women, I wanted to take the opportunity to comment on Chelsey’s post. It is of my personal experience and educated opinion that you gals are correct. The Word of God is our standard and anything that contradicts it is indeed, heresy. However, what I hear Chelsey saying is that the Lord is giving her insights and stirring her in areas that expound the “Living Word” that is inside of her, hence the Spirit is alive to those who believe. I believe that we can all agree that our God-Jesus Christ has risen from the grave and is ALIVE! Hallelujah! This reminds me of what Jesus said to His disciples…
“But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8When he comes, he will convict the world of guilta in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 10in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.
12“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.” John 16-8-15 NIV
The Holy Spirit has many jobs to do while He is with us here on Earth. Among those is to speak to us and to lead us into all truth. We have the promise from Jesus that the Holy Spirit will take from what is His, and make it know to us! Wow! What words of hope and blessing. The passage in verse thirteen assures us that the Holy Spirit will not speak on His own merit, rather He will only speak what He hears (from the Father.) If the Holy Spirit is censored as to His liberties to speak freely, I’m reminded that we too must be very cautious about speaking words that are potentially harmful.
These scriptures cause me to contemplate how little in control I am, and just how big our God really is! We are subject to His majesty and might, as we are the creation—not the creator. He is the author and finisher of our faith…and of us! Who am I to tell such a grandiose God what he can and can’t do? How He should and shouldn’t relate to His creation? Jesus was in the business of messing up (for the lack of a better term) the religious people of His day…by shocking them with his unorthodox ways of relating to His followers by way of healing and teaching. If there is one thing that I see clearly throughout the teachings of Jesus; He didn’t like to be put into a box by His creation. It is my opinion that to limit such a God is to be limited by one’s own faith. Even John Calvin was quoted saying…
“We ought not to separate Christ from ourselves or ourselves from him. Rather we ought to hold fast bravely with both hands to that fellowship by which he has bound himself to us.” 3.2.24
Fellowship with Christ by any means of His choosing is right for us! If Father-God wants to speak to me through a donkey, or use me as the donkey mouth-piece, then I am willing! If the Spirit brings life, understanding, correction, exhortation, exaltation, comfort and joy and does not contradict with the scriptures in any way, then Holy Spirit have your way!
~Abundant Blessings~
LOVE this. Well said, Tia. And thank you for taking the time to say it. : ) This “conversation” has been SO edifying.
Wow Tia – beautifully said!!! I never knew that this little post would stir up such wonderful words from everyone today. I have been blessed – truly blessed – by all the wonderful conversation and words of wisdom by you lovely ladies. Thank you Jesus!
Hello ladies, just wanted to share quickly what i thought about listening and obeying the direction of the Lord…I would have to say that Gods Spirit and the Word of God are always in perfect agreement and so if we are thinking wrong thoughts we know we need to cast down wrong thinking and that it’s not of God…the verse that goes with that is 2 Corinthians 10:5 King James Version (KJV)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;… Then i thought, what if that which someone was raised knowing, or believing to them was right in reality was truly the wrong way of thinking?How would one know for sure if what they were thinking was right or wrong? For me my foundation is the Word of God so i would tell anyone to filter their thoughts through the Word. What God says is good, for me it is good. Whatever He says is bad, for me it is bad.
Amen to that!
This is such a great comment about bringing all of our thoughts and imaginations into obedience and submission to Jesus Christ — whether off-base, or untrue, or even just scatterbrained or worldly-focused — if the thoughts in our head don’t line up with the truth of God’s awesome and eternal Word, these thoughts need to be thrown out and cast down and replaced with the TRUTH. The Bible is absolutely our solid foundation for hearing and listening to the voice and direction of the Lord.
The quote you use from Francis Chan hit home with me immediately. I have moved to a small town in a new part of the country and as I walk down the streets and through the neighborhoods I have noticed that nearly all homes have several very large dogs. As I pass by these “family” dogs act like they are going to rip me apart. It is scary! I have noticed that my walks are becoming less frequent because of my fear of what these dogs could do to me. However, God keeps whispering to me to continue my walks and pray for the neighborhoods and little town as I walk. I tell myself that God will keep me safe from these dogs and to follow his leading to walk and pray. Any advice?