October 6, 2014
“The problem with interpreting Genesis 3:16 to teach that women more than men have a desire to control is not that women don’t often act independently of God, but that, first, that’s not what this verse is saying, and two, men struggle with such lust for autonomy as much if not more than women. But who gets rebuked for rebellion in most modern Christian dialogue? Who gets instructed to obey their authorities? Have you heard an argument for submission lately that doesn’t focus on wives to husbands, kids to parents, or church members to elders? In my little neck of the woods, discussions on submission get aimed at these groups. Period. Today, I want to talk about our mutual lust for autonomy and the widespread need in the Body of Christ for submission that transcends gender. Who, oh husband, parent, pastor, or judge, are YOU submitted to? Who can tell you NO?”
Read the rest of this article by Wendy Alsup HERE.
Oh, Natalie! What a beautiful feminine and pink website! I love it! I have been away on a weekend getaway with my husband and totally offline. I didn’t have access to the internet until today! What a beautiful surprise!
love it!
Thank you!
I love pink.