The History of Feminism

By Contributing Writer, Marci Ferrell

The problem that has no name — which is simply the fact that American women are kept from growing to their full human capacities — is taking a far greater toll on the physical and mental health of our country than any known disease.

~Betty Friedan

The Philosophy of Feminism

There isn’t a woman alive today who has not been impacted and affected by the philosophy of feminism.  Feminism began as a small movement of radical extremists sharing their viewpoint on what they believe is true feminism.  Their view has become the norm in our culture today and has worked its way into our homes and churches.

Feminism is not just about being for women.   It is a complete worldview.  What is fascinating is how quickly this worldview spread in such a short amount of time and how it has affected our culture in so many ways.

Betty Friedan, one of the founders of the modern feminist movement, viewed the differences between men and women as weaknesses.  She was bothered that women were staying home and not using their education.  They were “just” housewives and mothers.  She took a survey of women at her 15 year college reunion to see if they were satisfied with their lives and concluded that women were not happy and satisfied.  Friedan’s opinion was that the only way all women could truly be fulfilled was to go into the workforce and be like men.

According to Friedan, the sphere of women was, “kitchen, church and home.”  If women could be like men and have a “serious” career, they would find fulfillment.  Women were looked at as subservient.  They were the child bearers, so they were stuck at home raising  children.  Friedan viewed women’s differences as weaknesses, but as weaknesses that could be overcome.

The “burn the bra” marches in the 1970′s were encouraging women to get rid of everything that made them uniquely feminine.  Women were oppressed and needed to be liberated and until they got out of the home, pursued degrees  and careers they would spend their lives barefoot and pregnant in a role of being a servant.

The feminist movement of the 20th century first started in the late 1950′s.  Our men had recently come home from the war, and life settled back in to dad going to work and mom staying and taking care of the children and home.  They had freedom to be educated and to vote.  Most women chose to be home.  They accepted, embraced, and enjoyed their roles as wives and mothers.  Initially they didn’t “get” what this radical group of women was preaching.

So the radical group needed to convince women of how poor their situation had become.

Consciousness Raising

The feminists needed to help these poor women understand how oppressed they had become.  They used a technique called Consciousness Raising, which was first used by the Mao in the Red Army around the 1930′s.  It was a campaign that was called, “speaking bitterness.”

Mao and his armies used it to break down families by raising up the seed of bitterness in the hearts of women of the villages by getting them to speak and become bitter of how awful their lives were.  The women would return home angry thereby causing their homes to become unstable, and then the armies could easily take over villages.

Feminist groups used the same technique of Conscious Raising to cause seeds of bitterness to rise among women.  They would meet in small groups in women’s homes or community centers.  There would be one leader of the group, and she would bring up questions such as: Who does the laundry at home?  How do you feel about that?  How does your husband treat you?

By stirring up anger, bitterness and discontent in the hearts of these women who initially had not felt there were any issues with their lives, they were able, in a period of ten years, to go from a small group of radical women to twenty thousand women marching down New York’s Fifth Avenue under the banner of women’s liberation.

Our Uniqueness as Women

God created us male and female, and we are so uniquely different from one another.  We are created equal, and we have different roles.  Our world’s system does not hand out awards for loving our husbands and children, caring for our homes, offering hospitality, being caregivers, or showing kindness and acts of mercy as we are called to in Titus 2:3-5 and 1 Timothy 5:10.

Feminism limits the roles of women to the community and workplace and seems to ignore the critical societal importance of the woman’s role in the home. Women will never find fulfillment and satisfaction by trying to be “like” men and shedding their uniqueness as a females.  They will only find satisfaction in Christ.   He is where satisfaction and contentment can truly be found for both male and female.

From there we need to embrace His design for us and look to the authority of God’s Word to live out HIS DESIGN for our role as women. Feminist thinking tells us that to be valuable to society we have to have a career outside the home.  According to this short sighted vision, no longer is making the choice to stay home and be a wife and mother a significant contribution to society.

Because women have abandoned their posts, we have seen the breakdown of marriages, increase in divorce, and the neglect of children who are alone in the home un-parented. We need to make a change and live counter-culturally.  Are we living and raising our children to think in a biblical, God centered way?  Imagine the changes that could be made in homes and families if we had small groups of women encouraging one another in God’s vision for womanhood.

I pray that you will be aware of the damages and dangers that were brought about by the lie of feminism.  The modern movement we know and have been influenced by today was started by a small group of women.  If a few women in every church would begin to embrace God’s priorities for their lives and homes, imagine the difference that could be made for His kingdom.

May we be women who are willing to return to the authority of God’s Word, embrace God’s priorities for our lives and homes, and live out the beauty and wonder of womanhood as God created it to be.

In contrast to the wise woman, the foolish woman is not content to be a keeper at home. She is not satisfied with where God has put her. One of the things the feminist movement has done so successfully is to stir up discontent in women with being homemakers and to convince them that other pursuits can increase their sense of self-worth… Fueling discontent and pushing women out of their homes in search of greater meaning and satisfaction has resulted in off-the-chart stress levels for many women who can no longer survive without pills and therapists… The greatest spiritual, moral, and emotional protection a woman will ever experience is found when she is content to stay within her God-appointed sphere. This does not mean that she never leaves her house, but rather that her heart is rooted in her home and that she puts her family’s needs above all other interests and pursuits.
~Nancy Leigh DeMoss



The Feminist Mistake by Mary Kassian





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About Marci Ferrell

Marci is a lover of the Lord Jesus Christ, helpmeet to her sweetheart Doug for over 25 years, mother, mother-in-law, caregiver and grandmother. She is here by God’s grace and overwhelmed by His kindness in redeeming her as His daughter. Loving her husband, children and granddaughter, reading, home keeping, cooking, feeding lots of people and making lists are some of her favorite pastimes.

You can find her at Thankful Homemaker where she shares about her walk with the Lord, her passion for biblical womanhood and living all of life for the glory of God.

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  1. Chelsey S. says:

    So many truths! It is so sad to watch women I love get trapped in this feminist mindset. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Vaness Lowe says:

    Thank you. I woke up this morning struggling. After reading your post I feel better about our decision for me to stay home and raise our family. Even though the season I am in is a tough one, it won’t be this way forever and the blessing I give to my children by being with them everyday and guiding them will far outweigh the cleanliness of the house or the mountain of laundry I feel I am always behind on.

    • Marci Ferrell says:

      Vaness I am so thankful you and your husband have chose for you to stay home and raise your children. May you be encouraged always in the role the Lord has called you to.

  3. Patty says:

    I am so grateful that my husband and I were in agreement about my staying home with our children. It has not always been an easy choice but I know it was the right one. There are so few mentors available in this area because there are so few that have chosen this path. I did have some good advice along the way but it was minimal. How we should pray that God would raise up mentors for the younger generation. I am now facing a new stage in life as our youngest will be finishing school. I am looking to God for His direction for my future. I know that He has put a passion in my heart to pass on a Christian legacy and devotion to Him to the next generation. I know I should mentor those He puts in my path. Whatever else He has in mind, I pray I follow wholeheartedly.

    • Marci says:

      Patty I am encouraged by your biblical mindset to pass on the legacy to the next generation. My children are older and we are newer grandparents. I had a dear friend ask me what I would do now that my children were grown. As a woman who desires to live out the role of Titus 2 I shared that there is much work to do in mentoring the younger generation, pouring into my children and grandchildren, and we are caregivers for my mother-in-law who is home with us through hospice. Because so many Chrisitan women have bought into the lie of feminism there are not grandmothers home and daughters to help care for the aging. Our next generation needs women like you to pour into them. Many blessings to you!

  4. Jennifer~Renewing Housewives says:

    Great post Marci!!

    So… if … “in a period of ten years, [they went] from a small group of radical women to twenty thousand women marching …” would the opposite be true?

    They say it only takes a few good men to start a revolution!

  5. Sheila Randall says:

    Thank you for this post. I was raised to think being a wife is a chore and subseviant by my grandmother and great grandmother. It’s been tough to over come but GODS grace abounds more and am trying to teach my daughters the oppiste of what I grew up with.

  6. Emily says:

    Thank you so much for this well written post, this is a subject that I am passionate about. It is a message that is really missing in our culture and sadly even churches. It educated me and gave insight as to where feminism originated. A great article to share. Thank you for your willingness to speak out on a controversial (to some) subject.