Have you written anything to help us treasure Christ more? LINK UP! (But before you do, go HERE to read about the KEY TO EVANGELISM in the 21st century! (Hint: It’s something every single one of us can do whoever we are and wherever we live!)
Seeing Life From the Highest Vantage Point
Have you written anything to help us treasure Christ more? LINK UP! (But before you do, go HERE to read about the KEY TO EVANGELISM in the 21st century! (Hint: It’s something every single one of us can do whoever we are and wherever we live!)
To celebrate the freedom to educate our children at home, I am giving away THREE copies of the brand new eBook, You Can Do It Too! 25 Homeschool Families Share Their Stories. (A $9.99 value!) Here’s how to enter: 1. Leave a comment letting us know how long you’ve home schooled, and how many “students”… read more »
Gearing up for another year of home schooling? Got any encouragement or inspiration to share? Or how about just a good kick in the pants? (Hey…I need that once in a while…) LINK UP!
“We can also observe that motherhood is one of the ways that God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the strong (1 Cor 1:27). God has ordained praise from the mouths of babes and infants because of his enemies, to silence them (Ps 8:2). A mother might not seem like a… read more »
In the recorded history of the world, there are three major traditions of education. First, conveyor belt education trains the masses in basic literacy, lifting generations from poverty toward better jobs and lives. The emphasis is on “what to think” as dictated by others in order to get “right” answers, be “good’ students, and most… read more »
I recently came across a great post called Read or Die, by Paul Tautges. Check it out, and then LINK UP with a post about reading! It can be reading for moms, dads, single gals or guys, children…ANYTHING that has to do with reading!
What has are some ways God has enabled YOU to be salt and light in your little corner of the world? Link Up! And when you’re done linking, go skipping over to The Heart of Simplicity and enter to win a FREE Kindle!
Thank you to all who participated in our last link up! It was such a blast to hop around and peek at your blogs and read your articles. God has created a bunch of amazing Wemmicks, hasn’t He? Even in our messes, we are beautiful to our Creator, and He loves us dearly. We’ve all… read more »
Visionary Womanhood is all about equipping women with the highest perspective possible down here on planet earth ~ our Creator's.
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