Facebook Hissy Fits (and How to Avoid Them)
I love and hate Facebook. I love to use it for my business and this blog, and I love the handful of groups I participate in. But otherwise, I think it’s the pits. Just think about election season, for example. The season for “friends” and “followers” to put down the masks and start shooting. But […]
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Your conclusion reminds me of what my Dad says (my poor paraphrase): If there is a Go...
Sarah D. on My Take on the Ken Ham/Bill Nye Debate
I keep wondering, why, if Bill Nye is so keen on scientists being willing to poke hol...
Cindy on My Take on the Ken Ham/Bill Nye Debate
Absolutely! The "roll the dice" comment was tongue-in-cheek. :)...
Natalie Klejwa on My Take on the Ken Ham/Bill Nye Debate