December 18, 2015
Category Archives: Deprogramming from Christian Lies
A Twist on the Good Samaritan
Did You Hear? Men Get to Be Heads Over Women FOREVER According to the Counsel on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

I wish I was joking, but I’m not. “According to the ESS folk at the CBMW (the headquarters of the hierarchical complementarian camp), wives will continue to submit to their husbands in heaven/the consummate kingdom/eternity. If it comes out of pre-Curse Genesis, then it must continue into post-Curse eternity, so it seems. This is more […]
What Do Women Want? To Rule or to Be Cherished?

Yesterday I brought up the modern-day theological thinking in Reformed circles regarding divorce along with the idea that this way of viewing divorce was very likely fabricated by people with an agenda. Today I want to draw your attention to another teaching popularized in the last forty years that has done just as much damage […]
The “God Hates Divorce” Lie
Three Things to Put in Writing (and Three Reasons Why)

If you are tangled up in a confusing relationship, one effective strategy to gain a solid footing (and eventually a voice) is to write things down. It doesn’t matter if you are a good writer or not. Your purpose isn’t to win a Pulitzer prize. Here are three important things you can record on paper (or on your computer) that will be tremendously helpful to you over time.
Rushing Reconciliation is Rarely Rewarding

Can you have a healthy relationship where there is lying, covering up, pretending, overlooking, and ignoring? Does that foster intimacy? Of course not. Healthy relationships are grown in the soil of vulnerability and safety. When two people are open and honest, they can get close and experience authentic acceptance and love. Anything less is dysfunctional in some way.
The One Sure Sign You are in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship
Three Nasty Things (some) Women are Saying About Naghmeh

I’ve been posting links to articles about the whole Saeed-Naghmeh thing over on my Facebook page. For the most part, the comments have been sympathetic toward Naghmeh, but there are some comments that I feel a strong urge to talk about over here on my blog. I’m not going to be Smucker’s Sweet, more Sriracha […]
December 18, 2015
“Subverting the meaning of the real 10 commandments to foster worship of an institution that will pass away when Christ returns, is the height of purveying the false gospel that marriage is to be esteemed and honored above God himself.”
This is an important article. Read it HERE.