Stephani, her parents, and six younger siblings make their home on a hobby farm in Minnesota where Stephani enjoys growing vegetables in the garden, acting in Christian dramas alongside her family and friends in their barn, and singing around a sink of dirty dishes with her sisters. Since graduating high school several years ago, Stephani has been passionately pursuing opportunities to serve her family, minister to the body of Christ and unbelievers, and continue her education. The Lord is filling her heart with awe for His glory and has given her a desire to share the matchless “treasure in the field” (Matthew 13:44) with others – particularly young ladies! For several years Stephani has been involved in young women’s ministry by organizing events, leading discipleship groups, teaching classes, and coordinating Christian fellowship opportunities. She is eager to remember the sweetness of the gospel, the works of the Lord, and the beauty of biblical femininity with young ladies on her blog Cause Me To Remember.

Stephani's Latest Posts
By Contributing Writer, Stephani Upon graduation I had four younger siblings. Now I have six. Two of my sisters have graduated high school, another sibling is in junior high, and the three youngest are all under the age of 6! You guessed it… my parents will be homeschooling for years to come… Impacting the Next […]
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By Contributing Writer, Stephani Note from Wemmick Girl: Visionary friends, please join me in welcoming Stephani to the blogsphere! She is a young friend of mine in “real life,” making her writing debut here today! If you sweet ladies get a chance, give her a cyber hug by leaving an encouraging comment for her! […]
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cool! maybe i should bookmark this to show to skeptical relatives:)...
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