I will contact you via e-mail to get your snail mail address!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated this week! Come back again for the next Tuesday’s Treasure for the Taking…and pass the word!
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Seeing Life From the Highest Vantage Point
I will contact you via e-mail to get your snail mail address!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated this week! Come back again for the next Tuesday’s Treasure for the Taking…and pass the word!
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Natalie is a child of the King, saved by the blood of Jesus, wife to Joe and mama to Sam 17, Phillip 15, Aimee 11, Tim 9, Stephanie 7, Katie 5, Jennie 3, and Peter 1 (not pictured). She loves a good book, dark roast coffee, writing, music, fabric, soaping, eating good food, teaching her children and having babies (gasp!) Natalie is the creator of Apple Valley Natural Soap which gives her children an opportunity to earn money at home and expand their own entrepreneurial endeavors…and it pays her book bill every year.
Passionately believing in the sovereignty of God and the sufficiency of Scripture for all of life, she has rejected the Wemmick culture box and prefers the true liberties that come with restraint. Natalie taught high school English when she was single and has been discipling women for 25 years through full time campus ministry, personal mentoring, writing, and Bible studies. More recently, she is the founder of Visionary Womanhood Gatherings in the Twin Cities area which began 4 years ago, and she is also the administrator of the Visionary Womanhood blog, while currently working on an e-book: Visionary Womanhood Gatherings: A Family Strengthening Mentorship Tool for Women and Maidens
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