Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews

Multivitamins are drugs that consist of 2 or more components. For women of all ages, and especially after 30 years, an additional intake of vitamins, as well as organic and mineral substances, is desirable. At the same time, even for scientists it remains a mystery why their lack or overabundance equally leads to metabolic disturbances, and where the line between benefit and harm passes.

What are multivitamins, and what are their benefits

Each of the vitamins contained in food plays a role in the body. It is possible to compensate for nutrition errors due to an unbalanced diet with the help of multivitamins.

Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins add to youthfulness and resist premature aging

However, before using them, one must take into account the fact that all people have individual needs for vitamins, depending on:

  • health conditions;
  • working conditions, rest;
  • nutrition and lifestyle;
  • environmental conditions.

Multivitamins are significant for women of any age category, but after 30 years are recommended for regular course administration.

All multicomponent preparations have certain modifications, depending on which their effect on the body is determined.

  1. Components included:
  • significantly reduce the risk of developing age-related disorders occurring in the central part of the retina;
  • reduce the risk of osteoporosis, reducing bone fragility; Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
  • vitamins contribute to the proper functioning of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and growth, and minerals regulate the processes occurring in the body at the cellular level;
  • vitamins without auxiliary substances are useless, and in a multivitamin complex, a composition similar to natural components is recreated.
  1. If a woman, when planning pregnancy, begins to take multicomponent vitamins containing folic acid, then this minimizes the risk of detecting congenital pathologies in the child.
  2. At the same time, there is no evidence base that the antioxidants contained in multivitamins prevent the risk of neoplasms.
  3. Most vitamins and minerals do not find themselves in an overdose and accumulate in the organs until the body is poisoned, which can lead to damage to the liver and kidneys.

Multivitamins do not replace good nutrition, but only complement it. If the diet is composed of healthy foods, then the use of multivitamins is not required.

What is the difference between vitamins and multivitamins

Vitamins include several dozen types of substances necessary for a person. Modern pharmaceuticals have learned to extract them from products, as well as synthesize artificially.

This allowed the creation of multivitamin complexes that can be fully absorbed by the body:

  1. Additional trace elements that are part of them are combined and grouped for better absorption.
  2. Multicomponent drugs are produced in batches that are optimized for use by a certain category of people.
  3. An overdose of specialized multivitamins can provoke hypervitaminosis. Therefore, their intake should be commensurate with the amount of vitamins obtained with food.

4. The main difference between vitamins and multivitamins is that they:

  • most of them are of natural origin;
  • digested separately from trace elements;
  • enter the body with food. Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews

5. Multivitamins, most often:

  • supplemented with other substances;
  • have a synthetic origin;
  • combined depending on the destination.

It often happens that a single vitamin is suitable for the body, while the mineral complex of multivitamin is unsuitable for consumption. It is on this basis that the differences of opinion of scientists are based on the benefits of multicomponent preparations.

General recommendations for the selection of multivitamins

An overabundance of vitamins leads to metabolic disorders, accelerated metabolic processes and the emergence of serious pathologies. The use of the complex with a poor diet, some diets and certain types of diseases is clearly justified.

1. Indications for the use of multivitamins are:

  • high physical activity or permanent neuropsychological overwork;
  • weakening of immunity as a result of past diseases; Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
  • fast fatiguability;
  • chronic diseases;
  • elderly age;
  • poor condition of the hair and skin.

2. Of the 13 basic vitamins and 10 chemical compounds of animal-plant origin used in pharmacology, many preparations of various compositions are compounded.

3. The amount of substances present in a multivitamin depends on its purpose:

  • for pregnant and lactating women, drugs containing folic acid and vitamins from groups A, B, C and D will be a good choice;
  • in chronic diseases and weakened immunity, a full set of vitamin-mineral complex supplemented with natural plant extracts is required;
  • for people experiencing great physical or psychological stress, complex supplements with high antioxidant characteristics and a content of at least 25 vitamins are suitable;
  • people of pre-retirement and retirement age require the use of specialized multivitamins aimed at strengthening vision, bone tissue and immunity.

The main criterion for choosing should be the daily need for a certain vitamin.

In cases of severe vitamin deficiency, multivitamin treatment is useless, as it requires the use of special highly targeted drugs with a higher concentration.

The best multivitamins for young girls

It is advisable for girls to begin the regular intake of multivitamins from 16-18 years, the period when they become independent.

Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews Stress, fatigue, a sharp change in living conditions and a number of other factors have a negative effect on a fragile body. Measures are required to further support it. This is exactly what multivitamin complexes are aimed at.


Producing country


Indications and



Counter indications 

Cost, usd
Biovital Switzerland The composition includes:
  • FeSO4;
  • citrate


sodium iron (III);

  • Vit A, B

(1, 2, 6, 9, 12)

, C,


  • Vegetable 

extracts from

and berries


as well as from

motherwort herbs.

Depression, stress,

diseases of the central nervous system and

of cardio-vascular system,

physical exercise

and overvoltage.

Are possible


Digestion disorder

iron him

excess in the body.

Vitrum USA
  • Vitamins:

A, group B, PP,

S, K, D, E.

  • Minerals:  

iron; Ca; R;

I, Mg, Zn, K,

Cl, Si and others.

  • Hypovitaminosis,

imbalance from the wrong


  • infectious diseases;
  • maintaining


skin conditions

cover and

nail plates.

  • Compliance

age qualification.

  • Reception by

capsule per day

all elements 



Excess calcium in

blood, hypervitaminosis D,

phenylketonuria, pulmonary tuberculosis,

renal failure

good-quality granulomatosis.

509 – 665
Metabolic balance  


USA A, C, D, E, 

Bi, B2, B3,

B12, Be, PP, 

 Ca, Fe, P, 




  • Stressful








  • Natural  

a drug

 with full 


  • Reception 1-3 

capsules per day.




Alphabet USA Colored pills:

B5, B9, B12, K, H, D3;

 A, E, C, B2, B6, PP;

A, B1, B9, C.

  • Mental and



 poor nutrition,


 man-made factors


frequent SARS,



 trace elements.

  • Take 3 tablets per day, 


apart from 

4 h intervals


course for the year.

Are possible


disruption of work



Power teen USA Xylitol, Vitamins of the group

B, A, C, D3, E, K2, folate, Ca, Fe, Mg, 

Zn and others.




Drug with 


 vitamins and






The use of multivitamin groups is necessary in case of problems with hair, nails or skin, as well as with a lack of natural sources of nutrients. Their use should occur in accordance with the instructions in a foot amount.

Best multivitamins for women after 30 years

Multivitamins for women after 30 years should be chosen according to the physiological state. At this age, maintaining skin elasticity and strengthening stress resistance is required.


Manufacturing country


Indications and application features


Price, usd
 Laura USA Phytoestrogens and diosgenin, hyaluronic acid, vit. C, E, D-panthenol. The first manifestation of wrinkles, pigmentation, peeling, reducing skin elasticity. Daily on a pill. The drug is designed for women> 30 years old. Pregnant, with lactation and intolerance to the components. 485
Doppelgerz Asset Germany Vitamins of the main groups, as well as PP, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn and others. Varicose veins; hormonal disruptions, thyroid disease; weakening of immunity. Effervescent tablets, use a month on a tablet per day. Allergy to substances in the drug. 392-414
 Duovit Slovenia
A two-color preparation containing all the substances the body needs
Peeling of the skin, weakening of hair and nail plates, pregnancy, physical activity, disease.

Drink 1 pc every day.

Do not take with gout, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an increased content of vit A, E and Ca in the body. 398
Woman formula USA Vitamins of several groups, natural trace elements. Premenstrual pain and cycle disorders, vitamin deficiency, degradation of the skin and hair, fatigue, diseases of the reproductive system. Take 2 tablets per day, the complex takes into account all the needs of the body. Possible intolerance to the components. 1537
Female 30+, Lady’s formula USA Phytoestrogens, calcium, selenium, other vitamins and minerals. Fatigue, stressful conditions and mental and physical overload, cellulite, weight gain, premenstrual pain. Prevention of mastopathy, fibromyoma, endometriosis. Allergic reactions. Do not drink coffee or tea. 862

The fact that the time has come to take multivitamins is indicated by a deterioration in well-being, disturbances in the condition of the skin, nails and other external manifestations. Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews

In order for the drug to benefit, and not harm, you should first pass tests and identify which complex is needed.

The best multivitamins for women after 40 years

A decrease in skin tone after reaching the age of 40 in women is characterized by a bright manifestation of wrinkles, and chronic diseases with the first symptoms of menopause also remind of themselves. The body needs reliable nourishment.


Manufacturing country

Compound components 

Indications and application features


Price limit, usd
Qi klim USA The composition contains A, C, B, folic acid, rutin, selenium, motherwort extract and other components. Menopause, central nervous system disorders, stress, dry skin and mucous membranes, night sweats. Improves calcium absorption. Use without chewing at the same time. Hypersensitivity to the active elements, lactation, pregnancy, estrogen-dependent tumors. With caution in case of impaired liver function, diseases of the brain, epileptic seizures. 319-372
Calcium D 3
Consists of calcium and vitamin D 3.
Menopause, weakening of bone tissue, osteoporosis, worsening of the skin. Effect after several weeks of use. Caution is advised during pregnancy, lactation, and renal failure. It is forbidden with hypervitaminosis D; active form of tuberculosis;


sensitivity to soy and peanuts.
Complies USA As part of cobalt, a full range of vitamins, trace elements, plant extracts. Pregnancy, weakened immunity, colds, disorders of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, menopause, emotional instability. It eliminates the deficiency of vitamins, taking into account the daily needs of the body. In case of overdose: gastrointestinal tract malfunction, flatulence, nausea, dyspepsia, itching, urticaria. 159-172
Lady’s formula®

Woman 40 Plus
USA, Canada Plant extracts, acids, bromelain, selenium, boron, silicon, sodium, magnesium, Vit A, C, E and other components. Hormonal changes, weight gain, loss of skin elasticity, premature aging, early menopause. Reception for 6 months. Individual intolerance. 798-909
Centrum for women USA Complete vitamin and mineral complex. Weakened immunity, menopause, disorders of the central nervous system, visual impairment. The level of components is balanced by daily requirement. Allergic rashes and itching. 563

A woman must maintain her youth and attractiveness at any age. Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews

Timely use of vitamin complexes, allows you to postpone the aging period of the body for several years.

Best multivitamins for women after 50

It is very important to take multivitamins for women after 30 years and in subsequent years, since at these stages a decrease in activity, increased fatigue begins, and unpleasant symptoms of diseases appear.


Manufacturing country


Indications and application features


Price, usd
Vitolize England Minerals, folic acid, extracts of fruits and herbs, vitamins of the main types. Correction and stabilization of the central nervous system, skin problems, nails.

Maintenance of functions during menopause, taken in the morning and evening 1 tablet.

Personal intolerance to elements. 2037.9
Merz Germany Vitamins riboflavin, tocopherol, amino acids, yeast extract, iron. Strengthening hair and nails, increasing the activity of endocrine glands, psychophysical endurance, stimulates brain activity. It is not combined with other drugs, admission according to the instructions. Hypersensitivity to components

overdose A and D, pregnancy.

LadyVita 50+ Finland Balanced mineral and vitamin composition. Improving the endocrine system, slows down aging. Contains 100% of the daily intake of substances. Take 3 tablets daily. Individual intolerance. 1510
Manse USA Vitamins, beta-alanine, isoflavones, extracts, trace elements other components. Weakening the imbalance during menopause and reducing its symptoms. Take for a month. Intolerance to the composition, taking medications. 373-431
Estrowel USA Plant extracts, vitamins, boron, amino acids, other substances. Balance of the emotional state, activation of the body’s resources. Course reception. Use after consulting a doctor. 523

Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews

50 years is the age when you need to selectively choose vitamins, taking the most effective for important body systems, strengthening joints, and improving vision.

What multivitamins should women take after 60?

The multivitamins necessary for women after the age of 30 should be consumed with a reliable and high-quality composition. This problem is easily solved if the basic needs of the body are known.

A drug

Manufacturing state


Indications and application features


Cost, usd
Undevit USA Natural composition: riboflavin, nicotinamide, folic and ascorbic acid, retinol and other components. Hypovitaminosis, impaired functioning of the body, increased mental stress. High efficiency of assimilation, supports the general condition. Do not take with other vitamins, allergic reactions. Urine may be carrot-colored. 83
Alphabet 50+ USA Pills 3 colors. Pink: C, B 1 , A, folic acid, Fe, Cu. Blue: Lutein, E, B 6, B 2 , PP, beta-carotene, Zn, Mg, Mn, Se, I, Lycopene ,.

White: B 5 , B 12 , D 3 , H, K, Ca, Cr.
Improving the skin, increasing physical and mental activity, normalizing metabolic processes.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system.

It is prescribed in courses, the duration and dosage are determined by the doctor.

Hyperthyroidism. 328
Vitrum Centuri USA C, B-group vitamins, D3, E, A, K1, a wide range of minerals. Vitamin deficiency, psycho-emotional stress, menopause. Convenient dosage. Hypersensitivity to the constituent components. 483
Women’s Menopause Formula Germany Essential vitamins; folic acid;

a large number of minerals.

Designed for women 55-60 years old. Eliminates the symptoms of menopause, strengthens the immune system, increases bone strength. Designed for adults. In case of an overdose, seek the help of doctors. 1211.80
Supradin Germany Contains:

A, B 1 , B 2 , B 6, B 12, Sun, C, D 2 , E, H, PP, Ca, Mg. Mn, Se, Zn, I, Cu. Fe, molybdenum.
It is taken on a tablet twice a day for 30-40 days. Preventive course every 10-12 months. Hypervitaminosis A, D renal failure, allergies. 404-740

Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsAn overdose of multivitamins, although rare, can cause acute poisoning. Therefore, you need to take drugs in a regulated amount and appropriate for your age group.

Multivitamins in Pregnancy Planning

Multivitamins for women after 30 years play a special role
, especially when planning pregnancy. The complex should include a wide range of substances with an accurate dosage.


Producing country


Application features




Pregnantazon United Kingdom Vitamins: D, C, group B, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, iodine, selenium, choline. Strengthening the body before conceiving a child. Compliance with the dosage, a single dose after meals. Do not use for chronic diseases and in the case of using blood thinners. 2950.00
Megadin Pronatal Turkey Vitamins: A, groups B, C, D 2 , E, PP, D-pantothenate and D-biotin, PP, Ca, Fe, P, Mg, Cu. Zn. Vitamin deficiency, a condition characteristic of pregnancy. The drug is designed only for pregnant women, used according to the instructions. There may be disruption of the digestive tract, there are contraindications, a doctor’s consultation is required. The order is made through a representative office
Multi – Tabs ®


Denmark Vitamins: A, B, C, D, pantothenic and folic acid, minerals, antioxidants. Prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis. Prevention of fetal malformations, miscarriages and stillbirths. Reception once a day with meals. Rash, itching, and other allergic reactions. 595-610
Femibion Natalkea Switzerland Vitamins: C, PP, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12; folates, iodine, biotin. To fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Take a tablet per day from the moment of conception planning to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Do not exceed the recommended dose; specialist advice is required. 1047-1106
Elevit Pronatal Switzerland Contains a complete vitamin and mineral complex except iodine. Prevention of fetal malformations, iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency in the mother. The composition is balanced, easy to digest, taking once a day. Hypervitaminosis A, D. Disruption of the liver. Violation of the function of removing iron and calcium from the body. 751

Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsDuring childbearing, good functioning of all organs and neuropsychic resistance are required. Vitamins and minerals included in specialized complexes contribute to the replenishment of all missing elements.

Best multivitamins for pregnant women

Prescribing vitamin complexes to pregnant women is necessary for the proper formation of organs and systems of the child’s body.


Producing country




Price, usd
Pregnoton USA Vitamins: C, E, B6, B2, B9, Ca, a full range of trace elements. Improving the reproducti
ve system, restoring the emotional state, enriched with iodine. Powder for the preparation of the solution, the period of administration is determined by the doctor.
Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, intolerance to components. 667-767
DoppeHerz VIP Germany Polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 class, pantothenic and folic acid, more than 10 vitamins, Zn, I, Mn. Restores function after childbirth. 1 capsule once a day, the result after a week of admission, is allowed when breastfeeding Individual intolerance. 652-730
Drive out Germany Vitamins A, D 3 , E, B 1 , B 2 , B 12 , B 6 , Ca, Fe, folic acid. Vitamin deficiency, unbalanced nutrition, recovery after childbirth. Replenishes calcium and iron deficiency. Pernicious anemia, sensitivity to the components of the drug. 199-210
Vitrum Prenatal USA It consists of vitamins of groups A, B, E, acids, biotin, chromium and other minerals. A drug to maintain the health of a woman in preparation for pregnancy, during and after childbirth. Take 1 capsule per day. 679-1462
Orthomol Natal Germany The basis of probiotics, vitamins, acids, beta-carotene, biotin, omega-3 and other elements .. Strengthening the health and immune system of pregnant and lactating women. Available in powders, dosage is prescribed individually. Intolerance to the components. 4403-4700

The components included in the preparations may cause an unexpected reaction. Therefore, the choice of drugs should be approached carefully, focusing on the needs of the body.

Top 5 multivitamins for women after childbirth

Multivitamins for women after 30 years are available in large quantities. During their production, all available restrictions are observed and the components necessary for a speedy recovery after childbirth are taken into account.


Producing country


Application features


Cost, usd
Centrum USA Vitamins and minerals: A, a full range of B, C, D 3 , PP, E, K 1 ; Ca, Mg. Mn, Se, Zn, I, Cu. Fe, Cr and other substances. Strong vitamin deficiency, breastfeeding, rehabilitation period. As part of vitamin A, breastfeeding requires coordination with a pediatrician. Hypersensitivity to components. 499-507
Nova Vita (prenatal formula) USA Vitamin and mineral composition. Hypovitaminosis, an unbalanced diet, the postpartum period, the need for trace elements. Mandatory compliance with dosing. Hypersensitivity. The order is made through company representatives.
Multimax for pregnant and lactating USA The composition includes 10 minerals, 12 vitamins. Preparation for pregnancy, postpartum recovery, breastfeeding. Limitation on shelf life and interaction with other drugs. Do not use for renal failure. Side effects: impaired vision and gastrointestinal tract, weakness. 340-597
Complivite Mom USA Vitamins, Ca, folic acid and the full range of trace elements. Super strong vitamin deficiency, lack of minerals. The tablet is washed down with a large amount of water, the dosage and duration of administration are determined by the doctor. Hypervitaminosis A, urolithiasis, anemia, high content of Ca or Fe. 248-266
Bio max USA The full amount of essential vitamins and minerals. The recovery period after injuries, illnesses and vitamin deficiencies, breastfeeding. Long loads. When used in recommended doses, it does not give side effects even with prolonged use. With increased sensitivity to components, allergic reactions, 166-313

The danger of undesirable consequences from an overdose of multivitamin preparations, following the instructions, is reduced to 0. For allergy-prone women, it is better to use a separate intake of vitamins and minerals.

General recommendations for taking multivitamins

Multivitamin complexes exist for the most effective combination of food and additional elements:

  1. Tocopherol helps to activate the functioning of the endocrine glands, the cardiovascular system and the brain.
  2. Using drugs containing vitamin PP can lower cholesterol, as well as make the skin supple and beautiful. Multivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviewsMultivitamins for women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years, pregnant, lactating. Which is better, how to choose inexpensive and effective. List of titles, reviews
  3. Vision and bone strength depend on retinol, and vitamin D helps reduce premenstrual pain and increase stamina.

Using all the components in the complex, it is possible to achieve enhanced tissue metabolism. In this case, you need to choose those multivitamins that have a minimum of contraindications. Many low-cost complexes, having a low cost, can compete with expensive analogues.

The multivitamins that are necessary for women, especially after 30 years, for good absorption by the body require balance. In their composition, the presence of components that affect the improvement of the skin, bone tissue, as well as substances that improve vision, memory and stress resistance is desirable.

Video about multivitamins for women after 30 years

What multivitamins are needed for women after 30 years:

How to choose the right multivitamins:

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