Holiday Giveaway Week! DAY TWO: Free Lilla Rose Hair Clip and Mission-Minded Book Set

Wasn’t yesterday fun?  If you missed it, no worries!  You will have ALL WEEK to enter the giveaways!  PLEASE NOTE: There are TWO separate Rafflecopters each day; one for each giveaway.  Also, if you are reading this in an email, you’ll need to click through to the blog to participate in the giveaways! Today we have two terrific giveaways from two more Visionary Womanhood contributors.  First of all, Bambi Moore, of In the Nursery of the Nation, is giving away a flexi-clip.  Winner’s choice!

Lilla Rose is the maker of the popular flexi-clip, a unique hair accessory that busy moms love. In a matter of seconds a lovely “up-do” can be achieved that looks as if it took much longer to put together than it actually did. Toss out those ugly plastic claws, friends! You will love the flexi and wonder how you ever did without it.

Are you a busy mom? Me too. I love the way the flexi gives my hair a bit of elegance.

Unique and lovely, Lilla Rose products are also practical and durable! Little girls love them as much as their mommies!

The flexi is one-in-a-million, but Lilla Rose also has you-pins:


And hair sticks:

Would you like to win a free flexi-clip of your choice? Visit my Lilla Rose store to see dozens of styles! Check out the sizing video here to determine your size.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

And now, Ann Dunagan of Harvest Ministry reminds us of the needs overseas for the gospel to be spread and the love of Jesus to be poured out on orphans.  She has written three books to help FAMILIES be purposeful and mission minded.  You’ll be inspired by her update on her family’s ministry, and you’ll want to enter her giveaway to win all THREE of her books!


Forgotten Christmas . . .

Before I share a highlight of our family’s missionary work and present a GIFT for this Visionary Womanhood Giveaway, I invite you to watch a short, compelling video, called FORGOTTEN CHRISTMAS, produced by Gospel for Asia (a wonderful missions organization). It gets to the heart of what many families, even Christian families, are missing in their Christmas celebrations.

Click here . . .

Jesus came from heaven as God’s gift to the world; but obviously, that divine manger-birth was not the end of His story. Our Lord Jesus demonstrated God’s love through His perfect life, then gave the greatest gift of all — His sinless blood through His sacrificial death on the Cross — to pay the sin-penalty for all of humanity.

This heart for the Lord and the lost, locally and globally, is our family’s passion.

Focusing on God’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15) is what we do, full-time. In 1987, my husband Jon Dunagan and I founded Harvest Ministry, and for 25 years, we haven’t worked any other “job,” outside of the ministry. We’ve simply trusted in God’s provision, for both missions and our family.

We’ve devoted our lives to sharing the Gospel wherever and whenever God says “Go!” — and it’s been an incredible adventure! We launched into full-time missions when we were just 21-years-old, with only $27 (plus one little baby!). Since then, we’ve focused on preaching the Gospel in primarily “unreached” areas across the globe (collectively, our family has ministered in 70+ nations on all 7 continents).

How have we done this with kids?

When we were younger, we primarily traveled together, with babies and toddlers-in-tow. As our family grew, sometimes Jon traveled without us (especially as the ministry emphasized dangerous, yet ripe-for-harvest areas — such as Sudan, following civil war, or Rwanda, after the genocide). As he went and I stayed home, my love for the lost was “poured-out” into several mission-minded books.

Books #1 & #2: THE MISSION-MINDED CHILD/FAMILY, by Ann Dunagan


Book #3: The Scarlet Cord – by Jon & Ann Dunagan

In 2006, my heart was about to “burst” for AIDS orphans, so (long story, short) we added a “LOVING ORPHANS” outreach (starting with 35 children, now caring for 700+ kids and youth). This month (in addition to ongoing provision for so many, plus overseeing hundreds of village churches), we’re working on a fun project, bringing electricity to our children’s center and providing 700 “Pillows for Kiddos!”

Remembering missions . . .

During this special Thanksgiving and Christmas focus, take time to “see” the needs of our world — spiritually and physically — and consider the true meaning of this holy season. More than pumpkin pies, nativity-decorations, and “Jesus-is-the-reason” cards, remember what this pivotal point in our Christian history is all about.

I invite you to come visit our WEBSITE. Check-out our MISSION-BOOKS (Our Visionary Womanhood GIVEAWAY is our Mission-Minded 3-Book-Set: The Mission-Minded Child, The Mission-Minded Family, and The Scarlet Cord). And as God leads, please pray for our family . . . and for people who need Jesus.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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About Wemmick Girl

Natalie Klejwa is a child of the King, wife of 20 years to Joe, and mother to 9 miracles ages 0-18.

Natalie is the creator of Apple Valley Natural Soap, which gives her children an opportunity to earn money at home and expand their own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Passionately believing in the sovereignty of God and the sufficiency of Scripture for all of life, she has rejected the Wemmick culture box and prefers the ancient paths found in the Word of God. Natalie taught high school English when she was single and has been discipling women for 25 years through full time campus ministry, personal mentoring, writing, and Bible studies.

More recently, she is the founder and administrator of the Visionary Womanhood blog, author of Visionary Womanhood Gatherings: A Family Strengthening Mentorship Tool for Women and Maidens, and a contributing author of The Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking and You Can Do It Too: 25 Homeschool Families Share Their Stories.

You can hear her being interviewed on Kevin Swanson's Generations with Vision radio program.

View all posts by Natalie →


  1. meaganv says:

    The medium flexi:)

  2. meaganv says:

    The people not having heard the gospel

  3. Candy says:

    I’d love a pair of silver dangle sticks!

  4. Jennifer says:

    Ohh I’d love something to make my updo a little more fancy and not frumpy ;)

  5. Annie says:

    I would pick the scollwrok butterfly.

  6. Annie says:

    There are so many people who have not heard the gospel.

  7. jacinda says:

    There’s a mission in India that reaches out to those who are “unfit” for the caste system that I’d love to support.

  8. becky m says:

    I’d love the open flower jet black! Thanks so much!

  9. Ann Dunagan says:

    Ladies, I want to encourage everyone to be sure and watch the short “Forgotten Christmas” video (the link is is today’s post — just click the box with the little Asian boy holding a Bible). It’s really precious!!! —Ann

  10. Motherhicks says:

    Would love one of those flexi clips, and I know my daughters would love one of the hairbands.
    The Bible teaches us to go out and preach the Gospel to everyone, may that be the conviction of our family!!

  11. Chelsea Wipf says:

    love the medium whoos hoo and the brass roman cross!

  12. Chelsea Wipf says:

    children in orphanages in eastern europe…absolutely breaks my heart.

  13. Jennifer Millett says:

    Compassion International. We sponsor two children currently and had the honor of sponsoring another until he was too old for the program. It means so much.

  14. Jennifer Millett says:

    The hair sticks are so beautiful. I would love to win a pair for a friend of mine who loves to wear hair sticks, I can’t decide which, they are all lovely.

  15. Nicole says:

    I really like the Fascinating and Fun flexi!

  16. Kylie says:

    Love reading more about your missions focus and all the places God has sent you! Praying for the Dunagan clan today in all their endeavors… I am learning to see the mission field wherever I’m placed. Actually already have book #2 but would love to read #3 :)

    • Ann Dunagan says:


      Ahhhh . . . what a BLESSING to hear that you’re praying for our family today. THANK YOU so very much! That #3 book (The Scarlet Cord: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus — A Concise Call to World Missions) is also available as an instant ebook PDF download (for just a dollar).

  17. Patty says:

    Oh my, there are so many to choose from. I do like the Hawaiian Flower along with so many others.

  18. Patty says:

    The need for the message to be taken to all so all can hear the gospel and believe!

  19. hsmominmo says:

    I’m looking at purchasing hair clips for my girls and myself to wear to our daughter’s wedding. The Simple Dangle hair clip would be perfect for the bride.
    I do like the hair sticks for myself for everyday – quick and easy and beautiful way to get my up and out of the way!

  20. Britney Williams says:

    I would choose the simple silver band, size large! These look so great!

  21. Gretchen says:

    I’m looking to spice up my hairstyles a bit and the small flexi 8 clip looks like a great way to start!

  22. kelly says:

    I would choose the hawaiian flower bobby pins

  23. Libby McCord says:

    I love the Festive Fallen Leaf Flexi clip

  24. Libby McCord says:

    Sharing the Gospel with the lost and orphans are on my heart

  25. Amy Marshall says:

    I have a large flexi-clip but I really need an extra large.. I would pick any one of them!

  26. Kristi says:

    We would choose a Flexi clip . . .

  27. Kristi says:

    We appreciate Gospel for Asia :)

  28. emily says:

    I would love to try a flexi clip!!

  29. Jennifer Irving says:

    I ike the Fairy with Aurora Borealis clip

  30. MelissaJoy says:

    The world mission’s need that tugs at my heart is loving the orphans. My husband and I have a heart for adoption, and I feel particulary drawn to Ethiopia.

  31. MelissaJoy says:

    I would choose a flexi clip

  32. Michelle T says:

    The one that tugs most on my heart is orphans

  33. Michelle T says:

    I would pick the etched tiger lily flexi

  34. Michelle W. says:

    I’ve been wanting to try the Lilla Rose clips. Our two younger daughters and I all have long hair-mine is the shortest at mid-back, our daughters both have hair that reach the small of the back. I typically braid their hair and wear mine up, but have a hard time finding clips that will hold my hair without pulling and giving me a headache.
    I really think they’re all feminine and beautiful, but purple has always been one of my favorite colors, so given the choice, I’d probably choose the Silver Scroll Work Butterfly.

  35. Larissa Dickson says:

    I would choose the fairy aroura borialis flexi.

  36. Larissa Dickson says:

    Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  37. Danielle says:

    My heart has always been drawn to missions, even as a child, particularly to the children of various African countries.

    I “need” a flexi in every size!! lol

  38. kelly says:

    The world mission that tugs on my heart the most is human trafficking.
    Just breaks my heart to hear of precious creations, being used as ‘meat.’

  39. Emily says:

    The small “Festive Fallen Leaf” is one of my favorites.

  40. Michelle says:

    I love the silver scroll-work butterfly flexi-clip. I have wanted to try a flexi-clip for a long time. I would love to win this.

  41. Marlo S. says:

    I would choose an extra small flexi in the Princess Tiara Freestyle design.

  42. Sarah D. says:

    The Medium Princess Tiara Dangle flexi-clip is beautiful! I’ve been drooling over a few of the flexi-clips for a while… They are so pretty and would look much nicer than my usual hair elastic.

  43. Sarah D. says:

    It’s hard to pick just one mission that “tugs at my heart”. Our congregation supports different missions all over the world, so we try to help where ever the need is. I’m gathering things now to send to a hospital in Zimbabwe and also food for our local free store.

  44. Emily M. says:

    Orphans tug at my heart.

  45. Rebecca says:

    From Lila Rose, I’d love the Flower Blossom Medley extra small flexi clip!

  46. Rebecca says:

    World missions need… Wells. Digging new wells to provide clean water.

  47. Monica says:

    I would like a medium flexi clip….I like to many of them…it’s too hard to decide.

  48. Renata says:

    I would like the large silver island flower! They are all so pretty. Do you know if there are any distributors in Australia or if they want any :)

  49. Renata says:

    Orphan children definitely tugs on my heart ~ & to think of all those precious children in foster care has been something lately I’ve been thinking & praying about.

  50. Janet says:

    Daisy headband

  51. Janet says:

    Starving people both physically and spiritually.

  52. Cindy says:

    I would love the beaded o ring extra small.

  53. Michele says:

    The suffering of the Christian people in Nigeria tugs on my heart.

  54. Michele says:

    I really like the Celtic knot so I would probably choose that one.

  55. Ireland says:

    I might choose the princess tiara bobby pins!

  56. Audra Silva says:

    Gorgeous hair pieces, but I think I’d go with the Freestyle (light wood) hair sticks. :) I’m always grabbing a pencil to put my hair up, so these would be wonderful to have. :)

  57. Audra Silva says:

    I think the biggest tug on my heart is for the orphans. Children are suffering, and need loving arms wrapped around them.

  58. Barb S. says:

    So many to like – I think the antique style with jet dangles.

  59. Barb S. says:

    We built a house for a family in Mexico earlier this year, and it is something we plan to do again. We were able to do it as a family, with a couple other families and it really made an impact on the kids.

  60. Erica says:

    The Open Flower Gold clip is beautiful!

  61. kimberlee says:

    The world missions that tugs at my heart is sex trafficking especially of young children and also for orphans in general. I have recently become aware of the “missing girls” of India and China and my heart is so heavy for these countries and the child policy the government has put on these countries.

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