Applying the Law and Gospel to Victims and Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse

Journal of Psychology and Theology
2012, Vol. 40, No. 4, 257-273

“The Gospel should be pronounced to ‘crushed’ sinners. The Law should be pronounced to ‘secure’ sinners.”

— C.F.W. Walther, Lutheran theologian.

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One thought on “Applying the Law and Gospel to Victims and Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse

  1. I don’t know the context in which this quote was originally spoken/written, but I am assuming (*hoping*) that Walther knew everyone needs to hear both law and gospel. For those who have been repeatedly “beat over the head” with the law, to the near or total exclusion of the gospel, then I would say we need to make sure crushed sinners get regular and liberal amounts of the life-saving Gospel of Christ spoken into their lives.

    Conversely, to those who have mainly received messages of a feel-good God Who smiles down on you, no matter how sinful (except we don’t call it that) your lifestyle is, then, yes, they need to know that God is not only a loving God, but a just God who abhors and punishes sin.

    We all need the Law, to show us our sin and need for the Savior, and we all need to hear the precious Gospel, that through Christ’s shed blood we are washed clean of our sins and clothed in His righteousness, that by grace through faith we receive the gift of God, eternal salvation. We are new creatures in Christ.

    Some may need to hear that first part (the Law) more, and some may need to hear the second part (the Gospel) more, but we all need both. Hopefully Walther understood both.