Gems in the Web 2/8/13


  • Why does exercise matter?  Find out what John Piper thinks in this 5 minute podcast.  {Tip: when you go to the link, click on the sound wave at the top of the page to get the podcast to start.  It took me 5 minutes to figure that out.  I hope to spare you the pain.}
  • Check out these adorable meal planning charts you could make if you have the pluck and gumption, which I do not.  I can admire from afar though.
  • “The Truth About Organic Foods was a tasty, soul-satisfying book — sweet and savory both. The author, Alex Avery, does not attack organic food as such, but what he does critique, devastatingly, is the pretension that wafts over the whole organic movement. If you like how organic tastes — as Avery himself sometimes does — then knock yourself out. It is great to live in a free country.”  Read the rest of Douglas Wilson’s delicious review (if you dare).
  • The Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking, is only $2.99 on Kindle now.  You can get the first chapter as a free download HERE.
  • And finally, if you’re a newbie to “real food,” you’ll enjoy (and learn a ton from) Keeper of the Home’s series this month: Real Food Made Simple.

A mother of nine, homemaker, business owner (Apple Valley Natural Soap), and most importantly, a Wemmick loved by the Woodcarver.

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One thought on “Gems in the Web 2/8/13

  1. Natalie,
    I just listened to your radio unterview on Generations with Visions radio program. Wonderful! I am so behind. Ha ha over a year behind. I had no idea you were interviewed. I do remember your Apple Valley Natural Soap interview (which was great) but not this one. I loved it!!! It is always great to hear your voice. Hearing it always brings back fond memories of years ago. Hope all is well at that bustling home of yours!


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